
Showing posts from 2018

Reflecting on my module 2 inquiry planning process

WHAT I WISH I DID DIFFERENTLY.... 1. I wish I has started to write my practice-based inquiry essay earlier within the module. 2. Read more of the suggested reading list for a greater understanding of the advanced terminology. WHAT I NEED TO CONTINUE TO WORK ON FOR MODULE THREE... 1. I need to work on the structure of my essays- sharing my thoughts and experiences and then backing them up with a theory or theorist. 2. Reading the essay content more carefully to ensure I write along the right track. IMPROVEMENTS I HAVE MADE SINCE MODULE ONE... 1.I believe I have used my professional networks more effectively to assist my inquiry making process. 2. Citing essays was a much faster process this module.

15th November- Module 2 skype call

The topic of the skype call was:What happens if you are unable to interview as a form of data collection for module 3? 1. Literature- information about others experiences or personal experiences e.g. journals/diaries, interviews published in magazines or articles.  2. Seminars- talks within the field of inquiry; group talks and also on Web 2.0 platforms e.g. YouTube and websites/blogs. 3. Critical reflective journals of my experiences.  Comparing themes presented across these different platforms is the analysis process which gives meaning to the whole data collection process. This skype call prompted us to consider how interviews may not be the best method to collect data, but why?  We discussed how sometimes people are not always good at seeing what is happening in their life. Also we talked about if it was really necessary to generate new material if there is already lots of data in my field of inquiry?  In my literature review I have est...

Literature/archival review first approach of the module 2 essay

From the core reading list for module 2 I read the chapter 'The Review of the Literature' (Doing your research project- a guide for first time researchers, Bell, 2005) The important parts that stood out for me are that...I am the researcher collecting facts that must be select, organised and classified into a coherent pattern = the aim is to produce a critical review, not a list of everything I have read! I will now approach all the articles, interviews, books and blogs I have read with a who, what, why, when to question assumptions and querying claims if no evidence has been provided. My framework provides a map of how research is conducted and analysed the 5 points below give me ideas about structure for the review, drawing together and summarising my findings and the facts from established artists.  1.   Established dance captains identify what they feel are the most important responsibilities of their job, this helps me to gauge an overview of the field of inquiry...

Blogging my progression for my inquiry

Module 2 handbook has a lot of content so I decided to print it out and add notes. Each time I repeat the cycle reading the 6 steps to build a practised based Inquiry, I use a different colour for my notation. This distinguish the progress I made and to address the questions/wonders I have made each time I re-read. Initially I wanted my Inquiry to be about 'how do dancers respond to a dance captain?' I soon discovered when trying to find literature relating this inquiry there was not enough established artists who had wrote about it to help me progress in my inquiry. I found a great project report where Jill Gorrie chronicles her advancement from dancer to dance captain to choreographer. ('From dance captain to choreographer- crossing the professional bridge', Jill Gorrie, 2014) This literature gave me the historical context of when the dance captain role was formed and all of the duties/ responsibilities of the job set by Actors Equity Association. The idea of a dan...

27.09.18 Skype call- Module 2 focus - Researching and mapping to build understanding.

Where to start when mapping out and beginning to find an Inquiry??? READ, READ, READ!!!  Literature review is an overview of the field of my Inquiry, reading to find out what I can learn from what is already out there! Seeking alternative retrospectives from people who are more experienced and done the research in the field of my inquiry, I can use Web 2.0 such as blogs or google scholar articles and reviews and also my current networks in my professional practice. I am trying to build a broader picture of the world around my inquiry. After reading the handbook a couple of times I kept coming back to the idea of 'What is the role of a Dance Captain'. Starting to read literature about Dance Captains it has opened up many different approaches I could take to assess Dace Captains... for example.... What are the differences between a Ballet Mistress and a Dance Captain?... How do dancers respond to a dance captain?...What are the qualifications and qualities need to become a d...

24th September Skype Session.

Tuesday's skype discussion with all modules was helpful to remember that all the topics talked about relate to every Module. We touched on how ethical procedures are a set of rules that are set to be followed, reflecting on how policies and codes of conduct are constantly changing and being improved in my professional practice. By contrast ethical considerations are more personal and related to your own expectations, standards and morals. Forms of  pre-existing networks and discovering new ways of networking was also spoke about by some Module One students. This was a really helpful reminder that I can use my professional networks to help me get more information to help with my Inquiry and that I already have a group of people within my professional practice who I will be able to participate in my data collection for Module 2. Use your networks! Charlotte reassured me that it is OK that my inquiry is constantly changing and that each day more questions are being formed and no...

Starting Module 2

I felt module one was a real roller  coaster ride, getting started to start was my biggest downfall and my lack of organisation   didn't  help me find the beginning. So how I will make this time better.... This year the welcome back Skype call was Adesola walking us through the myunihub, I had the chance to familiarise myself with all of the folders on the BA professional practice page. I have already filled out my study plan although I am sure this will change as the weeks go on.   Organisation and being ahead of the deadlines is my aim for this module and I am pleased to say I have already read through the Module 2 handbook :) I will keep looking at myunihub to be comfortable accessing anything I may need at speed, especially with the student library I want to be able to sit down for a 2 hour study period and crack on straight away without spending the time to find where I can access the reading I need. Bring on Module 2!

Appendix E- Critical Reflection- Module One


Appendix C- Critical Reflection- Module One


Sources of Information- Task 3C

I have listed the 5 most important sources of information and their importance to my past, present and future professional practice. Internet search engines- Currently I use the internet, more specifically Google, to search new make-up techniques or colours to use suitable for my eye colour and skin tone. Also finding different hairstyles giving me opportunity to try what looks good on me and use the information in the show. In my professional practice this show my maturity as an artist to current and future employers. When searching for auditions the company website provides the email address which are easily found to correspond with the casting director. Social media- Facebook has a group called 'The Hustle' where auditions are posted and people can leave comments by anyone who is a member of the group. I decided this group would be more beneficial if I lived in London as some of the jobs are 'urgent dancer needed for tomorrow' I was not close enough to commute ...

Current Networks-Task 3A

I drew a spider diagram of where I first established my existing networks  and how they are valuable in developing my professional network.  I noticed most of my contacts are people who started as friends, teachers or colleagues. The important networks were not only dancers, teachers, directors and choreographers but also individuals who could help my professional portfolio. For example photographers and technicians who have access to the video footage of the shows.  It is very important to always present myself in a professional manner, being polite, friendly and confident because you never know who will become a future contact or recommend you to an employer. I find that being under-confident in myself makes me hesitant to approach a new ‘network’.  When I was looking for work I attended open class with teachers who had their own business, and were also very popular, the busier the class indicated the better the teacher was! Stretching before and after class ...

Journal Writing Experience- Task 2b

I remember when I first got accepted into The Royal Ballet School and my dad bought me a journal, he said 'You have been given such a wonderful opportunity to go here and you will make so many memories, I want you to remember them all and one day sit with your grandchildren and read to them the experience you had!' I kept my journal for the first year and a half of being at the school. I stopped when I got a back injury, I remember feeling like I had nothing positive to write about as I was miserable sitting out of class in pain constantly. After nearly a year of pushing through the pain (14 years old) the doctors explained I had a back fracture in L5 and it was permanent. I am pleased to say that after medical treatment I am no longer in pain and still perusing my dance career! Just now, writing about this experience, I realise stopping to write my journal during this critical time was a big mistake. The bad days and disappointing experiences are important to address in ref...

Inquiry -Task 2d

Here are my answers to task 2D • What in your daily practice gets you really enthusiastic to find out more about? Who do you admire who also works with what makes you enthusiastic? I am very enthusiastic about a patterns and unison in a group of dancers, my favourite part of a ballet performance is watching the corps de ballet, the synchronism and unity is very powerful to watch and when I dance in a group I get very excited when I feel the whole cast moving in unity. Gailene Stock (1946-2014) director of the royal ballet school was an inspiration through my 5 years at The Royal Ballet School. At the end of each school year all 8 year groups would dance 'Defile' on the Royal Opera House stage, Gailene Stock would critique every small detail from the head angle being exactly the same to the count we started running on stage from the wings, ensuring all the dancers were perfectly in time enforcing the 'corps de ballet' rules from the age of 12! • What gets you angr...

Reflective Theory- Task 2c

I am a methodical learner and enjoy following a organised plan step by step with a routine, I think this is shown in the way I write my blogs, plan my day and analyse reflective practice. Kolb's learning cycle allowed me to reflect on how I learn in my professional practice. In an unfamiliar situation, for example learning choreography in an audition in a style of dance outside my comfort zone, I use 'Reflective observation' watching the choreographer or other dancers auditioning doing it and learning from their movement style and using the knowledge I saw to improve myself. By contrast I enter the 'Kolb learning cycle' in 'Abstract conceptualisation' in my current job as a dancer for Tihany Spectacular. For example, walking up the stairs on the stage in heels, I work it out in my head first how will be the safest and fastest way to clime the stairs before having the concrete experience. Gardner had the idea of multiple 'lenses' of learning - ...

Reflective Journal -Task 2a

The key words I needed to get my head around after reading Reader 2 EXPERIENCE- 'Observation of fact(s) or event(s), practice in doing something' (Oxford English Dictionary) REFLECTION = LEARNING FROM EXPERIENCE- turning information into knowledge. I love voice notes, occasionally I feel like a crazy person sending myself messages and from an outsiders point of view just talking to myself! It is very difficult to find the words when your brain is working faster than your hand, I also find myself constantly wondering if I am spelling words correctly therefore stunting the organic thought process! So it seems without realising it I have began formulating a reflective journal mainly about my ideas and thoughts of the reader 2 in the form of voice notes. I noticed usually my reflection takes place in the gym, I think maybe the repetition of weights or consistency of cardio gives my mind time to wonder. I also find the same when I put my make up on before work! Talk at my room...

Skype session 20.03.18

In this Skype session we mainly discussed Module 1, reader 2. I discussed that I have been doing the same show for 7 months and find at the end of each day when I go to write my journal I don't have much to write about. Turns out I was not alone in feeling a little stuck. Adesolaa suggested some questions we should ask ourselves... Why am I writing a Journal? What is the purpose of journal writing? Why is it something encouraged in BAPP? From these questions we concluded that, the experience is not important the important part of journal writing and could be the same experience every day, but it is how we reflect (feelings, emotions, what we learn) on the experience. 1. Having an experience 2.reviewing the experience 3.concluding from the experience 4.planning the next step (taking action to better our professional practice)! Also we discussed how different the BAPP programme is preparing us to motivate ourselves- for example if you are given a specific role, we need to take ...

Task 1d- Images

A question for all BAPP students... I have been doing my research for the best way to promote myself professionally via social networking sites here are the sites I am considering. Wixs, linkin, instagram, flickr, facebook page. I have started forming a professional website using Wixs- on this I can upload my CV, performance videos/ showreels and images in albums such as headshots, movement shots and performance images. The benefits of using a website is so all of the information is in one place, sending the link of my website to auditions means they can she all the information they need in a professional portal. Disadvantages to a Wixs website is that people cannot comment on the site to offer advice and it is a private link. I also began forming a professional Instagram account separate from my personal account. I can upload many images and videos onto this platform where people can 'like' and 'comment' on my media. Instagram also has a 'scroll' or ...

Task 1b- Professional Communication Technologies- Web 2.0

At first read of section 1 in the Module 1 handbook, Web 2.0 sounded like a completely new concept that I was just learning about now. On a second read I see Web 2.0 has many communication platforms I use every day! Social Networking sites I use include: Blogs and Skype = BAPP programme, Facebook and Instagram = personal and professional sharing of my life and information from others I am 'facebook friends' with or 'follow' on Instagram. I read Syanne Day's Blog and noticed she had listed the important professional sites and forums she uses from Web 2.0, I have done the same to understand the impact of social networking platforms. Facebook private group- The Hustle As a dancer I have always used communication via email, sending my CV and images for auditions, contactin...

Task 1A -Professional Profile/ CV

Everyone knows how important a CV is, it shows a potential employer you 'dance history' and information about your body before you even participate in the dance part of the audition! (this is a really scary concept for me!) Writing my CV as a Professional Profile made my evaluate my current CV very closely. Attending 2 vocational schools from the age of 11 meant I had many 'end of year performances' and 'child roles in professional companies'. Although some of these performances had respected choreographers and directors (and felt like yesterday to me)  I have come to realise that these shows were still part of my training and not my 'Professional Performances and Employment' I have now also formed 2 separate CV's, one that I use to send for ballet/ contemporary companies and the other for cruise ship/show girl jobs. I decided to do this because the requirements and important information to list is very different for these genres of dance. I have...

Blog No.1

Saturday 10th I had my first Skype session with Adesola, Helen, Rachel, Natalie, Matt, Michael, Syanne, Ambre and Arghierenia! Primarily new Module One students introduced themselves and the Module Two students offered some words of wisdom as they embark on their second year. Here I find myself wondering how 10 days has passed so fast since the Skype session took place! But as the Module Two students mentioned, we all live such busy lives as Professional Artists so it is really important to use the precious time we have and schedule time to study according to our own schedules. Luckily I wrote some notes from the session and made some useful voice notes which was also advised as a great tool to capture an idea or important information in the moment. Other important information Adesola and Helen spoke about was to read the handbook more than once, writing a blog about the new layer of reflection. Arghierenia mentioned setting reminders on your phone for deadlines ahead of the BAPP...