Reflective Theory- Task 2c
I am a methodical learner and enjoy following a organised plan step by step with a routine, I think this is shown in the way I write my blogs, plan my day and analyse reflective practice. Kolb's learning cycle allowed me to reflect on how I learn in my professional practice. In an unfamiliar situation, for example learning choreography in an audition in a style of dance outside my comfort zone, I use 'Reflective observation' watching the choreographer or other dancers auditioning doing it and learning from their movement style and using the knowledge I saw to improve myself. By contrast I enter the 'Kolb learning cycle' in 'Abstract conceptualisation' in my current job as a dancer for Tihany Spectacular. For example, walking up the stairs on the stage in heels, I work it out in my head first how will be the safest and fastest way to clime the stairs before having the concrete experience. Gardner had the idea of multiple 'lenses' of learning - ...
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