Starting Module 2

I felt module one was a real roller coaster ride, getting started to start was my biggest downfall and my lack of organisation didn't help me find the beginning.

So how I will make this time better....

This year the welcome back Skype call was Adesola walking us through the myunihub, I had the chance to familiarise myself with all of the folders on the BA professional practice page.
I have already filled out my study plan although I am sure this will change as the weeks go on. 
 Organisation and being ahead of the deadlines is my aim for this module and I am pleased to say I have already read through the Module 2 handbook :)
I will keep looking at myunihub to be comfortable accessing anything I may need at speed, especially with the student library I want to be able to sit down for a 2 hour study period and crack on straight away without spending the time to find where I can access the reading I need.

Bring on Module 2!


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