Reflective Journal -Task 2a
The key words I needed to get my head around after reading Reader 2
EXPERIENCE- 'Observation of fact(s) or event(s), practice in doing something' (Oxford English Dictionary)
REFLECTION = LEARNING FROM EXPERIENCE- turning information into knowledge.
I love voice notes, occasionally I feel like a crazy person sending myself messages and from an outsiders point of view just talking to myself! It is very difficult to find the words when your brain is working faster than your hand, I also find myself constantly wondering if I am spelling words correctly therefore stunting the organic thought process! So it seems without realising it I have began formulating a reflective journal mainly about my ideas and thoughts of the reader 2 in the form of voice notes.
I noticed usually my reflection takes place in the gym, I think maybe the repetition of weights or consistency of cardio gives my mind time to wonder. I also find the same when I put my make up on before work! Talk at my roommate in a way I can only describe as 'word vomit' about my feelings regarding future plans, daily triumphs and disappointments and also what I have learnt of formulated ideas from the BAPP course is now being transferred into reflective journal writing!
Peter Honey and Alan Munford created 4 stages which are adaptions of Kolb's 4 points in the 'learning cycle' (how I do each stage)
1.Having an Experience (on stage during the show or a thought in the gym)
2.Reviewing the Experience (writing in my journal/voice note about the event)
3. Concluding from the Experience (deciding the positives and negatives that can improve my professional practice)
4. Planning the Next Step. (taking the useful 'new' idea, learning from the experience and planning how to make a step forward in bettering my professional practice)
When I write in my reflective journal I aim to follow stages 2-4 closely so it has purpose to improve myself as a professional artist and is not just a diary entry of my day.
David Boud 2001 quotes 'journal writing has become a vehicle for reflection' and reflection is turning experience into learning.
Why is journal writing so important?
The experiences I am learning from now are important to document in reflective journals, because in future years I may experience the same emotions and feeling myself or a colleague or even a student. Journal writing gives me the chance to address and form a solution for my emotions and feelings towards an experience and therefore find a way to benefit from the reflection process. The reflective Journal shows my individual learning process which I can reflect back on if the same situation presents itself or may be helpful to other professional practitioners in my field.
EXPERIENCE- 'Observation of fact(s) or event(s), practice in doing something' (Oxford English Dictionary)
REFLECTION = LEARNING FROM EXPERIENCE- turning information into knowledge.
I love voice notes, occasionally I feel like a crazy person sending myself messages and from an outsiders point of view just talking to myself! It is very difficult to find the words when your brain is working faster than your hand, I also find myself constantly wondering if I am spelling words correctly therefore stunting the organic thought process! So it seems without realising it I have began formulating a reflective journal mainly about my ideas and thoughts of the reader 2 in the form of voice notes.
I noticed usually my reflection takes place in the gym, I think maybe the repetition of weights or consistency of cardio gives my mind time to wonder. I also find the same when I put my make up on before work! Talk at my roommate in a way I can only describe as 'word vomit' about my feelings regarding future plans, daily triumphs and disappointments and also what I have learnt of formulated ideas from the BAPP course is now being transferred into reflective journal writing!
Peter Honey and Alan Munford created 4 stages which are adaptions of Kolb's 4 points in the 'learning cycle' (how I do each stage)
1.Having an Experience (on stage during the show or a thought in the gym)
2.Reviewing the Experience (writing in my journal/voice note about the event)
3. Concluding from the Experience (deciding the positives and negatives that can improve my professional practice)
4. Planning the Next Step. (taking the useful 'new' idea, learning from the experience and planning how to make a step forward in bettering my professional practice)
of writing
in addi-
to those
of learning,
in the
of critical
or devel-
a questioning
to understand
in learning
When I write in my reflective journal I aim to follow stages 2-4 closely so it has purpose to improve myself as a professional artist and is not just a diary entry of my day.
David Boud 2001 quotes 'journal writing has become a vehicle for reflection' and reflection is turning experience into learning.
Why is journal writing so important?
The experiences I am learning from now are important to document in reflective journals, because in future years I may experience the same emotions and feeling myself or a colleague or even a student. Journal writing gives me the chance to address and form a solution for my emotions and feelings towards an experience and therefore find a way to benefit from the reflection process. The reflective Journal shows my individual learning process which I can reflect back on if the same situation presents itself or may be helpful to other professional practitioners in my field.
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