Current Networks-Task 3A

I drew a spider diagram of where I first established my existing networks  and how they are valuable in developing my professional network. I noticed most of my contacts are people who started as friends, teachers or colleagues. The important networks were not only dancers, teachers, directors and choreographers but also individuals who could help my professional portfolio. For example photographers and technicians who have access to the video footage of the shows. 
It is very important to always present myself in a professional manner, being polite, friendly and confident because you never know who will become a future contact or recommend you to an employer.

I find that being under-confident in myself makes me hesitant to approach a new ‘network’. 
When I was looking for work I attended open class with teachers who had their own business, and were also very popular, the busier the class indicated the better the teacher was! Stretching before and after class was a great way to find out what other dancers were doing and where they were finding work! Face to face approach of sharing information about the industry and networks ‘word of mouth’ is the original way to network. Being confident is important to ask for the phone number or email address of that potential contact! Web 2.0 is one of the best tools to keep in touch with networks I make all around the world! 

I will focus on being more confident and promoting myself when meeting potential new professional networks. I will also try and ‘check in’ with my contacts on a more regular basis to keep me in their mind and let them know how I am getting on.


  1. I also created a spider diagram and found that this really helped me to gain a visual picture of where my professional networks come from. I like your honesty and self evaluation of being more confident to help promote yourself I found it really hard when i was dancing to have the confidence to create new networks at classes etc so i can relate to this.


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