Module 3 Skype call - 12.02.19

The skype call today was to see how how we were getting on with our inquiry.

*Maria, the supervisor who lead the call reminded us to identify...
1. What is the problem you are addressing/ formed the inquiry title?
2. How have you choose to look at it?
3. Why is it important for your practice?
4. How are you going to use the analysis of the information?

*The concept that the inquiry needs to be zoomed in on to make the inquiry more specific but could also cause a shift resulting in unexpected the questions evolving from the inquiry. Zoming in on the inquiry is important for framing the interview/survey questions and narrowing the literature search.

*The literature review is a development from module 2, it can outline the original talking points of literature within the general field of the inquiry but it should also go into more depth in particular the themes emerged from data collection.

* It is also important to zoom out too (especially if you feel stuck), looking at the inquiry from a broader lens, we discussed that this is particularly important if there isn't much published literature directly linking to the inquiry topic. For example my topic of dance captains does not have much published literature, therefore I can contextualise the framework of the transition process from ballet dancer to ballet mistress/master and compare the similarities to the transition from a dancer to a dance captain.

*Keep writing in reflective journals, this is especially important after reviewing a participants response or after an doing an interview. Think about what went well? What could have gone better? What was unexpected? How does this change your approach for next time?
The notes in reflective journals will form the critical reflection part of the essay!

I hope this helps for anyone who couldn't make the call!


  1. Thank you, I was unable to attend due to a twilight at school and a full teaching day. This has been incredibly insightful and useful and has served as a good reminder of what I need to be focusing on. My mind is easily wandering as I am getting carried away with various reading, research and questioning.


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