Module 3- Digging deeper into module 2 feedback about Ethics
Understanding and evaluating theoretical paradigms and methodological approaches to my research...
What are the ethical implications of myself being an insider researcher to the inquiry and what ethical considerations should I take into account?
The responses the participants give are based on the questions I ask, I do not want to offend the participant or breach confidentiality. The aim of the inquiry is to gather more knowledge, not to just confirm my beliefs and existing insight on dance captains.
What is the significance of interviewing to gather data?
Interviewing is important so I can guide the participant to talk about their feelings and experiences as a dance captain. It will also allow me to observe personality/communication skills that they are not aware of. For example if they clear and confident speakers it would suggest their confidence to communicate.
I have decided to only interview dance captains I am no longer working with or know anyone in the team, this is for ethical consideration. I dont want to cause the interviewee any discomfort talking about certain individuals that may be presented positively or negatively involved in the experience they are describing. I want to prevent the interviewee from withholding a description of a valuable experience to aid the inquiry from fear of offending anyone. I want to avoid any awkwardness in the workplace.
What potential bias can arise when creating the questionnaires?
Because questionnaires are a quantitative method of data collection I could be hindering the participant to accurately express their options on the inquiry especially if they do not feel comfortable with the formality of a questionnaire or recollecting their knowledge transferring it in written words. The questionnaires are also closed questions generally with a yes or no answer or a pick the top three setting, I am could be biased by only providing the options I want to hear to confirm my beliefs.
Why have I decided to use more than one method of data collection?
I will use the interviews to gather knowledge on the dance captains feelings and hear about their experiences in the position. Questionnaire will give me a more factual understanding of the basic skills and general duties of a dance captains which I can put into a graph or pie chart to use for analysis. Reflecting on my own values and actions during the research process and previous experiences as an insider research and the fact that the inquiry has formed from my professional practice.
What are the ethical implications of myself being an insider researcher to the inquiry and what ethical considerations should I take into account?
The responses the participants give are based on the questions I ask, I do not want to offend the participant or breach confidentiality. The aim of the inquiry is to gather more knowledge, not to just confirm my beliefs and existing insight on dance captains.
What is the significance of interviewing to gather data?
Interviewing is important so I can guide the participant to talk about their feelings and experiences as a dance captain. It will also allow me to observe personality/communication skills that they are not aware of. For example if they clear and confident speakers it would suggest their confidence to communicate.
I have decided to only interview dance captains I am no longer working with or know anyone in the team, this is for ethical consideration. I dont want to cause the interviewee any discomfort talking about certain individuals that may be presented positively or negatively involved in the experience they are describing. I want to prevent the interviewee from withholding a description of a valuable experience to aid the inquiry from fear of offending anyone. I want to avoid any awkwardness in the workplace.
What potential bias can arise when creating the questionnaires?
Because questionnaires are a quantitative method of data collection I could be hindering the participant to accurately express their options on the inquiry especially if they do not feel comfortable with the formality of a questionnaire or recollecting their knowledge transferring it in written words. The questionnaires are also closed questions generally with a yes or no answer or a pick the top three setting, I am could be biased by only providing the options I want to hear to confirm my beliefs.
Why have I decided to use more than one method of data collection?
I will use the interviews to gather knowledge on the dance captains feelings and hear about their experiences in the position. Questionnaire will give me a more factual understanding of the basic skills and general duties of a dance captains which I can put into a graph or pie chart to use for analysis. Reflecting on my own values and actions during the research process and previous experiences as an insider research and the fact that the inquiry has formed from my professional practice.
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