Module 3- Brainstorming ideas for my practice based artefact.
The dictionary defines an artefact as "any object made by human beings, especially with a view of subsequent use." This task is an opportunity to graphically, visually or write an artefact mapping my practice based inquiry. I have been exploring images correlating to my practice based inquiry title. Transition from a dancer to a dance captain is a focus topic. *I thought of the image 'passing a baton' like relay racers representing a passing of information and a change of movement. * 'Jumping over a river/gap' the image of being half way or passing from one ground to another for me represents a leap for change. *the theory of evolution shown as a monkey to a human or a child to an adult *Train tracks reaching a merge point. I believe using a picture or a artwork is the best way to present my inquiry because it will show the whole topic and process available to keep referring back too. Additionally I am a visual type of learner therefore ...