The way ideas can be communicated- Module 3 skype call

The submission portfolio content for module three uses three ways to communicate the research project and inquiry title: The essay, artefact and oral presentation. Supervisor Maria advised us to think about what is important for us to communicate? Maria advised us to consider how we feel most comfortable communicating according to the means available and the audience I am presenting the research project too, which relates to module one reflecting on different types of learners - Gardner 's(1983) multiple lenses of learning- visual, auditory and kinaesthetic.

1. The Essay- I find this means of communication the hardest to develop, it is fundamental to structure the content to present the literature review, overview of the inquiry process and analysis of the data to someone who may not have any prior knowledge about the field of my inquiry.

2.Artefact- There are many different modes of presenting the artefact for example a picture, video, written, choreography, painting, sculpture, journal, ect. We discussed why each of us had chosen our particular mode and why it is the best way to present it in this way.

3.Oral presentation- 20 minutes talking about our inquiry process and findings is the last mode of communication on the academic calendar to take place. It was discussed that this communication will be with the BAPP network, therefore students have an existing knowledge the three modules and the topics covered.

Maria shared this link a the end of the skype call - I have copied the key six elements I will think about when communicating. 

"All the raw data points in the world are not going to automatically provide you with a solid case for favouring one decision or prediction over another—which can be where logic comes in." This quote is representative of a non-positivist approach to the inquiry and also takes note of ethical consideration how to represent findings without being bias. 

"Logic is valuable in its own right—after all, if your audience struggles to follow the thread of your argument, it will be tough to convince them that the argument is sound. But logic also serves as a fruitful breeding ground for more rigorous analysis." When I present my research project I have to mindful that not everyone will have the same views as me therefore I need to clearly present the structure behind my thought as my logic. 

"It is rare for an equation to capture every relationship among a complicated set of variables, so good equations also make a statement about the most important relationships. They offer “a way to boil complex relationships down into a small number of important levers,” Petersen says." I have developed an advance knowledge within my inquiry topic but I need communicate the ideas that have emerged in a simplistic manner and build to the depth of my analysis. 

"The right visual offers an easy way to see, internalize, and later recall even complicated informational trends." I hope to do this in my practice based artefact.

“By telling that story to ourselves, it’s a way for us to understand the world and cement it in our memory.” When I interviewed the participants I asked them to share their experiences, they did this by telling their story, their opinion stuck in my mind more clearly from the stroy they told. 

"Actively create pauses or other spaces where misunderstandings can be voiced." This is a structural approach I will consider during my oral presentation. 

I hope this has helped anyone who couldn't attend the call!


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