Module 3- Brainstorming ideas for my practice based artefact.

The dictionary defines an artefact as "any object made by human beings, especially with a view of subsequent use."

This task is an opportunity to graphically, visually or write an artefact mapping my practice based inquiry. 

I have been exploring images correlating to my practice based inquiry title.

Transition from a dancer to a dance captain is a focus topic.
*I thought of the image 'passing a baton' like relay racers representing a passing of information and a change of movement.
* 'Jumping over a river/gap' the image of being half way or passing from one ground to another for me represents a leap for change.
*the theory of evolution shown as a monkey to a human or a child to an adult
*Train tracks reaching a merge point.

I believe using a picture or a artwork is the best way to present my inquiry because it will show the whole topic and process available to keep referring back too. Additionally I am a visual type of learner therefore using colours and shapes it is the easiest way to present my artefact and for me to understand what the inquiry has presented.

Thinking about how I will communicate this idea to submit it to the submission portal.
The options to present my artwork could be taking photos of the artefact or making a video. Based on my existing experiences and knowledge as a dancer I will use a YouTube link.Using Moviemaker I will formulate my artefact and the process of its development and upload it onto YouTube as unlisted to share the link on my essay to present my artefact.Upon reflection I have chose this method of presenting my artefact because this is a process I am familiar with when making and uploading my show-reel as a professional dancer.


  1. This sounds really interesting and a great way to use your creativity as a dancer. I look forward to seeing it.


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