27.09.18 Skype call- Module 2 focus - Researching and mapping to build understanding.
Where to start when mapping out and beginning to find an Inquiry??? READ, READ, READ!!! Literature review is an overview of the field of my Inquiry, reading to find out what I can learn from what is already out there! Seeking alternative retrospectives from people who are more experienced and done the research in the field of my inquiry, I can use Web 2.0 such as blogs or google scholar articles and reviews and also my current networks in my professional practice. I am trying to build a broader picture of the world around my inquiry. After reading the handbook a couple of times I kept coming back to the idea of 'What is the role of a Dance Captain'. Starting to read literature about Dance Captains it has opened up many different approaches I could take to assess Dace Captains... for example.... What are the differences between a Ballet Mistress and a Dance Captain?... How do dancers respond to a dance captain?...What are the qualifications and qualities need to become a d...