
Showing posts from September, 2018

27.09.18 Skype call- Module 2 focus - Researching and mapping to build understanding.

Where to start when mapping out and beginning to find an Inquiry??? READ, READ, READ!!!  Literature review is an overview of the field of my Inquiry, reading to find out what I can learn from what is already out there! Seeking alternative retrospectives from people who are more experienced and done the research in the field of my inquiry, I can use Web 2.0 such as blogs or google scholar articles and reviews and also my current networks in my professional practice. I am trying to build a broader picture of the world around my inquiry. After reading the handbook a couple of times I kept coming back to the idea of 'What is the role of a Dance Captain'. Starting to read literature about Dance Captains it has opened up many different approaches I could take to assess Dace Captains... for example.... What are the differences between a Ballet Mistress and a Dance Captain?... How do dancers respond to a dance captain?...What are the qualifications and qualities need to become a d...

24th September Skype Session.

Tuesday's skype discussion with all modules was helpful to remember that all the topics talked about relate to every Module. We touched on how ethical procedures are a set of rules that are set to be followed, reflecting on how policies and codes of conduct are constantly changing and being improved in my professional practice. By contrast ethical considerations are more personal and related to your own expectations, standards and morals. Forms of  pre-existing networks and discovering new ways of networking was also spoke about by some Module One students. This was a really helpful reminder that I can use my professional networks to help me get more information to help with my Inquiry and that I already have a group of people within my professional practice who I will be able to participate in my data collection for Module 2. Use your networks! Charlotte reassured me that it is OK that my inquiry is constantly changing and that each day more questions are being formed and no...

Starting Module 2

I felt module one was a real roller  coaster ride, getting started to start was my biggest downfall and my lack of organisation   didn't  help me find the beginning. So how I will make this time better.... This year the welcome back Skype call was Adesola walking us through the myunihub, I had the chance to familiarise myself with all of the folders on the BA professional practice page. I have already filled out my study plan although I am sure this will change as the weeks go on.   Organisation and being ahead of the deadlines is my aim for this module and I am pleased to say I have already read through the Module 2 handbook :) I will keep looking at myunihub to be comfortable accessing anything I may need at speed, especially with the student library I want to be able to sit down for a 2 hour study period and crack on straight away without spending the time to find where I can access the reading I need. Bring on Module 2!